Twenty years ago, hearing aids were big, bulky and served one single purpose – to amplify sound and allow the wearer to “hear more.”  However, hearing more sound often left the wearer frustrated and overwhelmed due to the amplification of unimportant sounds along with those the wearer most wanted to hear. 2005 to 2010 brought…

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Prime Real Estate Your Brain’s Response to Hearing Loss I sat down to read a work of fiction the other day when a very familiar saying jumped off the page – “I’d rather be deaf than blind.”   No matter how many times I’ve heard this, it doesn’t get any easier to process. How does one…

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Hear Today and Gone Tomorrow You pierce them, protect them and even swab them.  Have you ever considered what is really happening as you listen with them?  For most, listening, and consequently, hearing, has always just worked. But what about when it doesn’t work?  Does it seem like the person next to you has “super…

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