Hear Today and Gone Tomorrow

You pierce them, protect them and even swab them.  Have you ever considered what is really happening as you listen with them?  For most, listening, and consequently, hearing, has always just worked.

But what about when it doesn’t work?  Does it seem like the person next to you has “super good” hearing?  Maybe the person talking to you is mumbling.  How do you really know if your hearing isn’t working the way it should?  When is it time to have it checked?

Here’s the answer…everyone needs a hearing check-up.  Testing your hearing shouldn’t happen because you can’t hear, it should happen because you can.

Each day you are exposed to sounds that cause a shift to the tiny cilia in your inner ear.  Much like the wind blowing grass in a field, they falter, bend, and quickly recover.  Just as the days turn into weeks and months into years, these tiny cilia stop making a full recovery and finally, under the weight of another sound, they break.

No medicine or surgery will fix them.  You have lost hundreds of these without even blinking.  You lost thousands before you began to increase the volume on the TV.  Now, because you are so used to life without those vital cilia, you believe that the background noise is making it difficult for you to hear your family and friends; your brain can’t seem to process speech clearly so you blame the person speaking to you for mumbling or speaking too quickly.

Having a hearing test monitors the health of your hearing system.  It gives you a status of hearing ability and how to best preserve the hearing you have.  After all, hearing cannot be restored or fixed.  There is no cure for hearing loss and while there is help, the amount of help you receive is directly impacted by the length of time your brain suffers without it.  Your brain needs the signal from your ear to understand and interpret what you hear.  Don’t wait!  It’s not worth the risk.

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